订单状态 css_CSS状态2019
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订单状态 css

我们对11,000多名CSS开发人员进行了调查。 这就是我们学到的东西。 (We surveyed over 11,000 CSS developers. Here’s what we learned. )

(?➡️ )

故事 (The Story)

It all started three years ago when I was faced with a tough choice: deciding which JavaScript library to learn next. Picking the wrong option could potentially mean investing hundreds of hours into a doomed technology, so I thought I'd ask around before committing to a new framework.

这一切始于三年前,当时我面临一个艰难的选择:决定下一个要学习JavaScript库。 选择错误的选项可能意味着要花数百个小时去购买一个注定要失败的技术,所以我想我会在提交一个新框架之前先三思而后行。

Asking around turned into launching a small developer survey, which in turn got a surprising amount of interest from the community. Fast-forward three years and we're now onto , with a reach of over 20,000 developers!

四处询问变成了发起小型开发商调查,这反过来引起了社区的惊人兴趣。 快进了三年,现在进入 ,覆盖了20,000多名开发人员!

But as the survey has grown in depth and length, we've also realized just how complex the web ecosystem truly is. And that while JavaScript is a big part of it, it's by no means the only one.

但是随着调查的深入和深入,我们也意识到了网络生态系统的真正复杂性。 而且尽管JavaScript是其中的重要组成部分,但绝不是唯一的一个。

Which is why it only made sense to expand horizontally into new territories, the first of which is CSS, a.k.a. JavaScript's arch-nemesis and/or best friend depending on who you ask.


And after a few months of data processing and visualizing, I'm happy to finally be able to share with you the first ever !

经过几个月的数据处理和可视化,我很高兴能够与您分享有史以来的第一个 !

I definitely encourage you to check out the full results, but in the meantime here are a few trends we noticed looking at the data.


Flexbox赢得了胜利……但是能持续多久呢? (Flexbox is “Winning”… But for How Long?)

While Flexbox and CSS Grid both have near-total awareness (in other words, everybody knows what they are), it's interesting to see that only about 55% of developers have actually used Grid.

尽管Flexbox和CSS Grid几乎都具有意识(换句话说,每个人都知道它们是什么),但有趣的是,只有大约55%的开发人员实际使用了 Grid。

There are a few probably reasons for this. Flexbox has been around for longer, and came around at a time where we desperately needed an alternative to floats for layout. Also, Grid is admittedly a little bit more complex (but also much more powerful!).

可能有一些原因。 Flexbox已经存在了更长的时间,并且在我们迫切需要浮动字体替代布局的时候出现了。 而且,网格无疑要复杂一些(但功能也要强大得多!)。

The truth is that both Grid and Flexbox have their pros and cons, and they should both be part of a developer's toolbox. So it wouldn't surprise us if those two circles become much more similar over the next couple years!

事实是Grid和Flexbox都有其优点和缺点,它们都应属于开发人员工具箱的一部分。 因此,如果这两个圈子在未来几年内变得更加相似,我们就不会感到惊讶!

实用程序优先CSS的兴起; 引导程序陷入低潮 (Utility-First CSS is on the Rise; Bootstrap is in a Slump)

For years was the uncontested king of UI frameworks. This shows up clearly in our data, with a whopping 99% of respondents being aware of it. No other competitor comes close in terms of awareness, with second-best coming in at “just” 79%.

多年来, 是无可争议的UI框架之王。 我们的数据清楚地表明了这一点,多达99%的受访者意识到了这一点。 就知名度而言,没有其他竞争对手能与之匹敌,仅次于仅占79%

It shouldn't be surprising that this high awareness corresponds with a low interest ratio, since developers who haven't yet used Bootstrap for whatever reason are probably not that keen to start now. More worrying is the comparatively low satisfaction ratio, at just 52%.

如此高的知名度与较低的利率相对应也就不足为奇了,因为出于某种原因尚未使用Bootstrap的开发人员现在可能并不急于启动。 更令人担忧的是满意度较低,仅为52%

Contrast this with , which boasts a 81% satisfaction ratio! It might have a low awareness score (only 34% of respondents knew about it), but it's making its users very happy and at the end of the day that's the most important factor. And right behind it with 74% is , which shares a lot of the same “utility-first” concepts as Tailwind.

与 ,后者拥有81%的满意率! 它的认知度可能较低(只有34%的受访者对此有所了解),但它使用户感到非常高兴,而归根结底,这是最重要的因素。 其后的是 , 占74% ,与Tailwind共享许多“效用优先”的概念。

Are we moving away from big, monolithic frameworks like Bootstrap towards more nimble, pick-what-you-want libraries like Tailwind? In any case, it'll definitely be interesting to keep an eye on this trend over the next few years.

我们是否正在从大型,单一的框架(如Bootstrap)转向更灵活,随便什么的库(如Tailwind)? 无论如何,在接下来的几年中密切关注这一趋势绝对是很有趣的。

CSS Land仍然存在很多不确定性 (There's Still a lot of Uncertainty in CSS Land)

The above chart of CSS technologies is divided into four quadrants, and as you can see the “Assess” quadrant (corresponding to up-and-coming technologies with low user counts but high satisfaction) is by far the busiest.

上面CSS技术图表分为四个象限,并且您可以看到“ Assss”象限(对应于用户数量少但满意度高的新兴技术)迄今为止最繁忙。

In fact there are only three “established” technologies in the “Adopt” quadrant (high usage, high satisfaction): BEM, Sass, and Bootstrap. And Bootstrap is getting dangerously close to falling off…

实际上,“采用”象限中只有三种“既定”技术(高使用率,高满意度):BEM,Sass和Bootstrap。 而且,Bootstrap即将濒临崩溃……

This goes to show that things are still very much in flux in the CSS world, which can be surprising for an ecosystem that has been around for so long. But this is the world of web development after all: as soon as you think you've finally figured it out, something new comes along and makes you question everything you thought you knew!

这表明CSS世界中的事物仍在不断变化,对于已经存在了很长时间的生态系统而言,这可能是令人惊讶的。 但这毕竟是Web开发的世界:一旦您认为自己终于明白了,就会有新的事物出现,并让您质疑您以为自己知道的一切!

还有一件事… (One More Thing…)

We're trying something new this year: we're coming out with an official State of CSS t-shirt!

今年,我们正在尝试新的事物:我们推出了正式CSS T恤状态!

The t-shirt features our CSS logo, along with some of the actual code used to make it. Where else can you get a shirt that looks cool while also teaching you (and whoever's around!) about the wonders of CSS?

这件T恤印有我们CSS徽标,以及制作它的一些实际代码。 您还能在哪里找到一件看起来很酷的衬衫,同时还向您(以及周围的任何人!)介绍CSS的奇妙之处?

You can for $24 + shipping, which will help us finance future efforts on this survey and others.

您可以花24美元+运费购买这 ,这将有助于我们为此次调查以及其他方面的工作提供资金。

赶上JavaScript状态 (Catch Up on the State of JavaScript)

Speaking of other surveys, you should check out our survey results if you haven't already. We promise you'll learn a thing or two!

说到其他调查,如果您尚未查看我们的调查结果,请查看我们调查结果。 我们保证您会学到一两件事!

CSS在Changelog上的状态 (The State of CSS on The Changelog)

If you're a podcast listener, keep an eye out for my appearance on , where I talk more about the data, address some controversies about our data collection process, and give you a behind-the-scenes look at our tech stack.


敬请关注 (Stay Tuned)

Finally, if you want to make sure you don't miss a chance to take part in upcoming survey (or know when we publish additional data), be sure to sign up for our (very infrequent) . After all the more respondents we have, the more useful our data will be!

最后,如果您想确保自己不会错过参加即将进行的调查的机会(或者知道我们何时发布其他数据),请确保注册我们的 (很少)。 毕竟,我们拥有的受访者越多,我们的数据就越有用!


订单状态 css


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